Certified as Technician On Microcomputer Systems And Networks at the I.E.S. Juan de Mairena, studies carried out during the 2015-2017 academic period in Seville, Spain.
Technician On Microcomputer Systems And Networks
Teaching hours
The course carried out had a total duration of almost 2000 teaching hours.
Practices in company
During this training I did an practices as a computer repair technician at the BAS Software company, Berlin, Germany, fulfilling cross-platform computer repair functions , as well as microcomputer system maintenance.
Microcomputer Systems
Among the different skills focused on Microcomputer Systems are single-user operating systems, network operating systems, network services, informatic security, etc.
During this training I completed the European Erasmus+ program, doing an internship in Berlin, Germany, for a period of 3 months.